Refining women to grow in holiness and virtue

In a society that distorts the role and value of women, it can be challenging to see ourselves through God’s eyes and find our worth in Him. Refine gives us the opportunity to form authentic friendships and solidarity as we grow in faith together and confront the challenges of living as authentic Catholic women.



Each year is organized into 3 “seasons” or series of small groups. We are utilizing the word “season” to emphasize that the small group content is inspired by the liturgical seasons of the Church. Small groups are formed in the Fall (September), Winter (January) and Spring (March).

In order to create an atmosphere of authentic vulnerability and trust we ask each member commits to attending the majority of the gatherings (not missing more than 1-2 sessions). Small groups do life together and we expect all members to commit to one another when they register!


2024-2025 Season Dates


Fall Session

Registration Opens: Aug 4
Registration Closes: Sept 1
Sessions Begins: Sept 8
10 sessions total

winter session

Registration Opens: Dec 1
Registration Closes: Dec 29
Sessions Begins: Jan 5
10 sessions total

Spring Session

Registration Opens: Feb 23
Registration Closes: March 23
Sessions Begins: March 30
8 sessions total


Winter Registration is Closed

let's connect


Samantha Ayers
Refine Coordinator
